Adding Multiple Roles to Multiple Users
In the video below you will see a user adding multiple roles to multiple users. The challenge here was how, and if we could even do this at all because their were so many backend systems at play. It turns our we were able to! Below you will see the result of my explorations. This is simply a prototype I put together to show development how it should function and how to implement it so don't mind the repeating list of names!

Removing Multiple Roles from Multiple Users
In the video below you will see a user removing multiple roles from multiple users. This was essentially the same as the flow above where we were adding roles. This one was much easier after we had solved the first one!

Adding Multiple Users to Multiple Locations
In the video below you will see a user adding multiple users to multiple locations. The challenge here was identifying where within the application we could allow this functionality to exist. It turns our we were able to create a flow within the locations tab we had already built to serve as a starting point for allowing multiple users to be added to multiple locations! We initially thought we could achieve this from the user lists screen but quickly realized that with the way the experience was built, we wouldn't be able to do it that way. Is your brain hurting yet? Mine was! This is a simple prototype of a complicated process that I put together to show development how it should function and how to implement it!

Resending Invites to Multiple Users
In the video below you will see a user resending multiple invites to several users as well as receiving a preview of what that email will look like when the end users receive them.

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