As part of the in game economy we had to balance traditional DEFI mechanics like staking and rewards with the internal game mechanics like rewards for battle outcomes, adventures and crafting. Below is an early diagram of how the token economy might work. Tokenomics design is another skill I possess and truly enjoy doing. I have studied it for nearly a decade.

The following were phase 1 NFT's that I designed. These NFT's were created by staking ZCUP tokens to grow or "spawn" them. These NFT's would be used in the game as characters users could use to journey and craft throughout their Zombie Cupcakes experience.

The video below is a screen recording on the ethereum testnet showing how users mint and grow their Zombie Cupcake NFT's by staking their ZCUP crypto. This is a completely novel way of minting NFT's that has previously never been used before.
The video below is an animation and motion graphic piece I designed and animated to show the 2D game experience. It is inside of this 2D game that gamers use the NFT's that they minted through the spawning protocol. They also earn tokens by battling other players and can discretely access a suicide hotline from within the game.
Below you can see an example of the battle mechanics and how users select their attacks and defenses when playing head to head against other users.

The 2D game is not where the experience ends. Phase 3 of the project is a Immersive 3D game and VR environment where users can get mental health therapy in the metaverse and go on magical journeys through 3D realms to regain their life after a failed suicide attempt. The goal is to provide in game experiences that reinvigorate people's will to live and remind them that every day is a new day to be thankful for.

The video below is of a 3D environment I art directed called Slime Ocean which is the first of the immersive environments for the VR gaming experience.
As a part of our mental health mission we partnered with organizations like the Bambini Yoga Project and others that addressed mental health issues.