Beyond Rolling Loud, Into Cultural Impact
As Rolling Loud grew so did my reputation within grass roots music communities even though I had long since moved on from Rolling Loud. As such, I began to working heavily within artists to grow their brands, mentally prepare for the next steps in their career, and navigate the volatile world of not only the music industry but the issues they were facing personally. In doing so I built a large network of artists willing to bring impact into the world along side me, especially in Miami. (All videos images and content were designed by me)

During COVID-19 all of my work within the music community came to a head when I organized an event called the "Suicide Mixtape" to kickstart my non-profit "Leave on the Light," which used music to deal with mental health and suicide during the pandemic. (Note: My musical artist name is BCUZ)

Supply and Demand was a song I wrote while living in my car years earlier. I had built a recording studio inside of my car (Which can be seen in the video below) This was the first featured song of the campaign and was sung by Preston C. Howell from the show "The Voice." It would later go on to chart at #34 on the Billboard Top 40 Activator Chart. Yet again showing how dedication and sacrifice lead to unique perspectives, success and life stories that inspire others.
Studio I built inside my car while living in my car!

Image of Preston C. Howell, Singer of Supply and Demand and Celebrity for "The Voice"
After launching the Suicide Mixtape we renamed the movement to "Leave on the Light" and formed a non-profit, donating proceeds from the project to organizations educating and helping with mental health and suicide.

Below you can see some of the custom hoodies I designed to send out to some of the top Tik-Tok influencers, in hopes that they would promote our movement. They did :)

For the final result I designed a golden box package containing the hoodies I designed, that explained our mission, goals and hopes for the non-profit. In the end we reached more than 2.5 Million people!